Workshops with Cami have a different dimension, not only because they unite people from different parts of the planet in the same place, but because they create a safe space where there is no judgement and you are free to express yourself as you are. The union of the individualities of the group forms a community with a great energy that would be impossible to achieve in any other way, setting things in motion within us, activating our processes on another level.
Marta Peris - pinhole photographer
Oropesa del Mar - Valencia

trabajo práctico was my first approach to archives, a space that was built and grew very naturally, where exploration took place in a collective, organic and emotional way. Undoubtedly, the spaces created by the cami seek this dialogue and community building through debate and practice. I discovered interweavings between my own practice and the multiple roles that the archive could play in places that enhance memory, the emotional and the imaginary.
Vera Jereb Coria - Writer
Mendoza, Argentina

The workshops were for me a framework, a place from which to look/touch. A way of placing myself on (and) in the questions as a force that disarticulates -the idea- of (self)learning and learning(us) a soft and affective way of looking at other ways of knowing.
danil timpanaro - movedorx, improviser
Buenos Aires/ Mendoza - Argentina

If study groups like trabajo práctico show anything, it is that the sharing of ideas, the exchange of emotions that swirl around texts and materials, can be immensely enriching. For those of us who like the solitude of the scriptorium, there is nothing better than checking that our ideas and those of others are not absolute. Reading and studying in groups, turning theories into a polyphonic space, is the best proof that there is no better history than the one that never stops being written.
Emilia Molina - Artist
Tandil - Argentina

You don't have to be in the classroom to get a grade or to pass the subject, you have to be there to help create the class. The structure is there for you and you are the structure; your uniqueness helps to shape it.
Sister Corita Kent - Educator, Screen Printer
somewhat freely translated by Emilia Molina

The workshops with Camila are everything that happens while the answer comes, which is never and always so important.
They are a place of encounter, of dynamising and activating (us), of questioning and wondering, not only with and through the word, but also through the archive, drawing, action and experimentation, wherever intermediate spaces open up.
Diana Pinar - educator, artist